How is the program funded?
The Hospital Visitation Program is carried on entirely by voluntary contributions. Contributions are received from Grand Lodges throughout the United States who vote special funds or assessments, or who makes to the Craft. Many individuals make contributions directly to the Masonic Service Association of North American, and other organizations, notably the Supreme Councils of the Scottish Rite, Northern and Southern Jurisdictions, have been generous and faithful supporters of this great labor of love.
The Masonic Service Association’s Hospital Visitation Program has contributed millions of dollars over the years to help, aid and assist these brave men and women who are spending lonely days, weeks and months in the V.A. Facilities.
Almost all of the 51 Grand Lodges in the United States together with Puerto Rico and the American Canadian Grand Lodge in Germany contribute to this National Masonic Charity. We hope we will soon be able to say that we have 100 per cent participation from all of the Grand Lodges who benefit and receive help from the Hospital Visitation program.
There are 172 veterans Hospitals and many State Veterans Homes and Extended Care Facilities across this country. At present we have Masonic volunteers in 155 of the V.A. Hospitals and State Veterans Homes and Military Hospitals.